Three Texan staffers have recently received scholarship grants from Friends of The Daily Texan, and the 2019 winners will be announced at the group’s annual dinner Oct. 4.
Forrest Milburn, who currently serves as the spring 2019 managing editor of The Daily Texan, was recipient of the $1,750 Friends scholarship grant at the annual Friends dinner recently. During his four years at the Texan, Forrest has been a senior reporter, news editor, associate news editor, associate social media editor and associate managing editor, focusing on digital strategy and audience engagement. He is a senior studying journalism at UT Austin, while also interning as an audience engagement fellow at The Texas Tribune. His time at the Texan has led him to internships at the Austin American-Statesman, San Antonio Express-News, Houston Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, where he’s covered public health and politics. This summer, he is headed to The Washington Post, where he’ll spend his time in D.C. on the paper’s audience engagement team.
Runners-up were Isabella McWhorter and Chase Karacostas, who each received $500 grants.

Isabella worked first in the Copy Department as a copy issue staffer, then as an associate copy desk chief, and finally as the copy desk chief. This was within her first two years. Now she is an associate editor within the Opinion department, and works directly with writers to improve their articles and writing style.
Chase initially worked in the Life & Arts and Photo departments then switched to News writing. He has worked as the senior politics reporter, writing 4-7 stories a week, where he covered illegal lease terminations by University House, social media harassment during the Student Government elections and a broad range of stories about the state legislature’s effect on students. He received the Paul J. Thompson award, which is presented to an outstanding Texan staff member for their devotion to work and high concern for ethics. He also received the Roderick P. Hart Student Achievement Award for his work in enterprise journalism.
Awards for Daily Texan staffers will be presented at the annual dinner Oct. 4 in the Shirley Bird Perry Ballroom at The Texas Union.
Friends of The Daily Texan, Inc. is a non-profit organization established to lend support and assistance to The Daily Texan, an institution at the University of Texas at Austin since 1900.
Members include alumni of The Texan, plus other supporters of a free and unfettered student media at UT.
The group’s guiding principle is etched in stone at the entrance to one of the buildings occupied by The Texan during its illustrious journalistic history: vincit omnia veritas. Truth conquers all.