The annual Friends of The Daily Texan dinner planned for Oct. 1 is being rescheduled due to the current worsening health situation in Austin.
A new date will be announced as soon as possible; next spring seems likely at this stage.
As the fall semester opens, the University of Texas is taking steps to lower the density of indoor gatherings on campus, and UT President Jay Hartzell has requested all large events to be held outdoors in the near future. And, if they must be held indoors, to encourage distancing and face masks, which is not easy to do when food is involved.
The annual Friends dinner has been held in recent years in the Shirley Bird Perry Ballroom in The Texas Union on the UT campus.
The Friends dinner was cancelled last year due to Covid-19 issues and was rescheduled for Oct. 1. But, despite the vaccine, Texas is facing critical health issues at this time due to the virus.
As last year, the Friends group will fund scholarships for student staffers and award those virtually this fall.
The Friends group this year added an additional $1,000 scholarship and raised two $500 grants to $1,000 each.
Total amount to be awarded to 8 students this fall will be is $9,000. That includes a $1,500 from Jerry and Becky Conn, two $1,000 McConnico-Bouju scholarships and 5 grants from the Friends group.
In addition to the scholarships, the annual Hall of Fame awards will also be presented virtually this fall.
The Friends of the Daily Texan is a non-profit organization that funds scholarship grants, editorial and special project needs, photo and video equipment, has helped fund bringing the Texan archives online, donates to Horn Raiser and other funds supporting The Texan and other items as they arise.
If you would like to support the scholarship and other efforts, you may donate here: Oct. 1 Hall of Hame dinner postponed