An association for alumni and supporters of The Daily Texan

Friends of The Daily Texan

An association for alumni and supporters of The Daily Texan

Friends of The Daily Texan

An association for alumni and supporters of The Daily Texan

Friends of The Daily Texan

Contact Information
Friends of The Daily Texan, Inc.
1401 Lavaca St
Austin, TX 78701

[email protected]

Friends of The Daily Texan sets $300,000 goal to fund scholarships for Texan staffers

To ensure long-term funding of scholarships for staff members of The Daily Texan, the Friends of The Daily Texan is seeking your help to raise $300,000 to further build its  endowment fund, guaranteeing continuation and growth of a scholarship program that now reaches 11 Texan staffers a year.

“Today the Friends group seeks your help on our most challenging project since founded in 2013: to raise $300,000 to fully endow the group’s Daily Texan student scholarships for the future,” the Friends Endowment Committee said. “We ask the thousands of Daily Texan ”graduates” to join with us and support these grants for the future. If The Texan was a part of your college career, please step forward now. If you support student journalism at the University of Texas, please step forward now. ”

The ultimate goal of endowment building is to be able to fully endow all current grants and expand the total number of scholarships  offered annually to Daily Texan staffers.

Currently the Friends provide 11 annual grants to Texan staffers. Some are endowed and permanently earmarked for Texan staffers, but the majority rely on gifts from donations throughout the year.

Please go to this link to make your gift to the Friends of The Daily Texan Scholarship Endowment:

Or you may mail a check made out to Friends of The Daily Texan, to: Friends of The Daily Texan, P.O. Box 8383, Austin, TX., 78713. Please reach out with any questions.

An increase of $300,000 to the existing endowment would allow the Friends to increase the number and amount of grants, and guarantee their permanence, while making the yearly grants less reliant on funds raised each year.

Every gift of any size and every donor will be recognized in a lasting manner, reminding generations of Texan staffers to come that those who came before them still support them, The Daily Texan and what it stands for.

The Friends group has a record of accomplishment: the group financially supported the digital library of all copies of The Daily Texan from its beginning in 1900, photo and video equipment, technology needs, seminars and conferences, training, travel, financial grants, Student Voices and Horn Raiser campaigns, special projects, event coverage and more.

The fund-raising effort will continue well into 2023, and beyond if needed to meet the goal.

The Friends Endowment Committee is chaired by Steve Wisch, and joined by members Griff Singer, John Reetz, John Pope, Gerald A. Johnson  and Jim Davis.

The Friends group is a 501 (3) (c) non-profit corporation. Funds raised raised for this campaign will help build the existing fund the Friends has with the University of Texas Development Office.

Friends of The Daily Texan, Inc. is a non-profit organization established to lend support and assistance to The Daily Texan, an institution at the University of Texas at Austin since 1900.

Members include alumni of The Texan, plus other supporters of a free and unfettered student media at UT.

The group’s guiding principle is etched in stone at the entrance to one of the buildings occupied by The Texan during its illustrious journalistic history: vincit omnia veritas. Truth conquers all.